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Olympus PJKT-EP03 portfedél PT-EP10/PT-EP08/PT-EP03 búvártokokhoz

Olympus PJKT-EP03 portfedél PT-EP10/PT-EP08/PT-EP03 búvártokokhoz

Port Cover PT-EP10/PT-EP08/PT-EP03 búvártokokhoz

25 990 Ft
- + db
Gyártó: Olympus
Garancia: 24 hónap
Gyártói cikkszám: N4314400

PJKT-EP03 Port Cover

The Olympus PJKT-EP03 Port Cover is a flat, press fit (friction mount) cover that goes on the front of the PJKT-EP03 lens port. This port, an accessory for the PT-EP03 underwater camera housing, is used to take "over / under" water shots, or "split shots", where half the image is underwater and half is above water. The cover helps to prevent water droplets from getting onto the lens port while you're shooting.